The Power of Fitness: Building a Strong Sense of Self Through Mental Health Challenges
In a world full of distractions and challenges, no excuse should deter anyone from their fitness goals. As a survivor of a mental health condition, I have learned the invaluable lesson of maintaining a fit body despite any odds. Physical fitness fundamentally creates a robust and unbreakable sense of self. This principle hinges on believing in yourself and your capabilities. Unfortunately, mental health is often misrepresented, leading to widespread misconceptions. As a result, many people are misled by inaccurate explanations rather than relying on scientifically proven findings. Achieving holistic healing through mental health challenges is highly complex, making it crucial for survivors to engage in activities that nourish their emotions and help them develop a stronger sense of self. This article explores my personal journey in building a substantial sense of self through fitness. After a long struggle with an unmedicated and mostly undiagnosed mental health condition—ranging from ...