How to Create a Flexible Fitness Regimen Against any Odd


No excuse should convince one to ghost on their fitness goals.  As a survivor of a mental health condition, I have learned the significance of keeping a fit body against any odd. It primarily creates a robust and unbreakable sense of self. The principle entails believing in yourself and your capabilities as far as a sense of self is concerned. Many a times, the concept of mental health has been tainted in very many ways which has essentially created different meanings. Consequently, people have been constantly misled by the prevalence of the misconstrued explanations as opposed to the scientifically proven findings. Acquiring holistic healing through a mental health turmoil has been highly complicated.  Therefore, it is significant for the survivors to be able to stick to activities that nourish their emotions so that they can develop a stronger self of sense. I'm writing an article on a personal lived experience on the essence, and how to build a substantial sense of self through staying fit.

After a long struggle with unmedicated and more of undiagnosed mental health condition that seemed like an allusion from social anxiety, to partly Bipolar 1 Disorder, I have developed a strong need to always have unbreakable sense of self. Why partly bipolar? Because it initially looked like Bipolar 1 Disorder as depicted on past articles. However, after deeper engagement with the internet and other virtual connections, it feels like my experience was an illusion from Anxiety to Bipolar I Disorder. The realization significantly changed the course of my healing process with more revelations on how best to achieve a smooth and calm healing process. All the steps I have made are as a result of a robust sense of self that I have developed over time. How am I building a strong sense of self?


First, it builds from forming an unbreakable spirit. My emotional strength always increases according to how people feel about themselves. Generally, all feelings, from how they want to see things happening, how they feel represented, how they feel to be portrayed within a social space. From this surety, it has been easy to build a strong sense of self since I have learnt to attach every situation and outcome a personal meaning. Consequently, my social space has been automatically put under my full control. How does it manifest in daily life? My past article on “Tracing back my History with Bipolar Disorder” is briefly on my life as a toddler. It’s clear I led a life of a breakable sense of self. My kind upbringing made it look like one was unable to attach personal meanings to situations and outcomes. That the concept of point of view was a limited resource. It controlled my emotional strength big time. It’s the time when all your feelings are out of your control. For that period, I was unable to build a strong sense of self. Thanks to my virtual engagements with people and internet.  For the past three years, I have managed to combat it. How?

It all stems from the point I learned about my purpose in life. Basically, that’s the time one gets to know why they live. It’s the period when you set boundaries and respect them. Your reason for being becomes clearer to you than anyone else. It therefore automatically creates and attach meanings to all situations in your daily life according to your point of view and understanding. Does this relate to a personal story? For myself, yes. For more than six years, I have been a fitness enthusiast. It would sound like an overstatement to say I have kept a regular gym routine. My engagements have been pretty much controlled by how I have always felt at various seasons and time. Its normal that sometimes human feel good and sometimes bad. However, the feeling of staying fit in mind and on body is a forte for all human. From my seasonal mood journal records, the periods and days when I feel more in shape and actively engaged in activities that makes me feel to be achieving my purpose in life are the times that feels like I am achieving a full sense of self. They have been essentially the most peaceful times in my life. My sense of sense of self have been unbreakable in such times.

It concludes that once I manage to stay fit every time, I tend to ease myself of too much pressure that can deprive one of emotional strength, which is one’s immunity against mental health conditions. The conviction must be genuine in your own sense to live for and on purpose. I strongly believe this applies to everybody since no one is untouchable when it comes to mental health conditions. How do I achieve it? Through sharing my fitness tips and personal odysseys with a mental health condition, areas where I have first-hand experience and can give the best. Sharing the knowledge that I have garnered through life, those that have been impactive to my life and directly relates to human experience, has been the most fulfilling thing for me.   

About fitness experiences, too many distractions within contemporary society restrains human on time available to effectively achieve their daily plans. People have therefore been exclusively engaged in more pleasurable activities that make them feel to achieve more for themselves at the same time to protect their emotional wellbeing. Activities like visiting new environments for new experiences, working from home to find time to listen to their favorite podcasts, musicians, tv hosts/ programs, favorite movies etc. We all agree that for our emotional strength, we all want things in a particular way, which is different from the others, something that is totally fine. However, there are certain constants that apply to every human being, just for the sake of being real to themselves. Which one?

A fit body keeps a fit mind and vice versa. Everybody desires to be fit in their own way since fitness is diverse. Therefore, its important to always try to engage in activities that seem to challenge your mental and physical abilities. This is how to keep fit both in the mind and on the body. For my case, I always find ways to engage my body physically in any environment flexibly. This is how I have managed to stay physically fit, hence my social brands name, Mr. Abbs. The name is attributed to my rock-hard abdominal(abs) and oblique muscles. My workout plans are flexible and can be implemented at any time in any state, provided that one is free from any severe physical illness.

Just like many people, I am not a regular gym goer so depending entirely on how many times I visit the gym for defining my physical sense of self would be exposing it to threats. I have therefore managed to stay fit by incorporating different physical activities applicable in any environment and can be done simultaneously with other preferable leisure activities. Any activity that feels peaceful to the emotional self can be spiced up with physical activities that challenge our body.  For instance, watching, listening, hiking, walking, swimming or bonding sessions etc, can be done alongside other challenging physical activities that builds into our physiology. More visual explanations on how I achieve my fitness goals that are the key building blocks of a robust sense of self are available on my social spaces I shared on my past articles in this BlogSpot.   


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