Impossible is Nothing

 Extreme is Normal

Let’s say Big is Paranormal for 99% of Kenyan youths. For instance, when you seek the percentile’s opinion about the champs like L. Elon Musk, they think it is impractical to a commoner or requires extremely big resources. However, I am passionately writing to challenge the perception. Come to research about it, just like most youths aspiring to succeed in their careers and (/) or businesses, the tech giant’s key skill is engineering. Alongside, he has a skill-set of knowledge that gives him a niche in multiple disciplines necessary in his daily businesses operations. Being successful primarily entails self-realization and manifesting your visions. Upon developing a vision, a process that covers all the levels of schooling alongside life experiences, you get limitless in terms of opportunities. It therefore make no dream to be too big!

    The whole Kenyan education system of 8-4-4 / 8-4/ 8 is all about self-realization. It is an assumption I draw after tracing my past life history, beginning at the age of 5, when the self-awareness process starts, conventionally the kindergarten age. The self-realization process is rigorous and vigorous as it defines the whole being in you. It determines whether you will be termed successful or not.

    After the 8-4-4 cycle, the process began by comprehending the concept of the IKIGAI table. Ikigai is a Japanese term and concept that means ‘reason for being’ and helps one understand themselves in terms of what they love, what they are good at, what they can get paid for, and what the world needs.In my supported opinion, self-realization is not a one-minute occurrence but a myriad of activities in an individual’s life that add up to the final processes in which we refine our visions.

    Being a passionate writer who has never actualized my writing zeal, I feel to share my whole experience with the self-realization process, which is a significant part of the growth that I got barely months ago. Normally, when you fully get to understand yourself, you can feel and see it. The process is all about manifesting your subconscious mind into reality. A famous psychic, Edgar Cayce, affirms that thoughts can create or destroy reality; the concept becomes even clearer when you get to read it.

    As a lover of Physics and a staunch believer in Science, I further support this by the concept of Quantum Physics, which explains how and why matter behaves in a particular way on atomic and subatomic levels. In this principle, I use the subatomic level as a subconscious human mind and the atomic level as a conscious human mind to explain how to manifest whichever state into reality. Normally, when experiments on quantum physics are conducted, the results are primarily influenced by whether the emitted energy is atomic or subatomic, so the process of self-realization.

    Many times, the subconscious part of the human mind is made up of big dreams and visions that, to some, appear abnormal and impractical, while the conscious side rests on the opposite, hence making people regard big as paranormal and small as normal. To prove this, review yourself, assess both your conscious and subconscious minds, see which side makes you happier, feels bigger, appears impractical, looks too expensive or, tends to require absolute connection, etc. Manifest the thoughts of your happier side into your daily, and that is how you complete the process of self-realization, begin self-actualization, and become successful.To fellow youths and big dreamers, with no tangible proof to convince you, I say Big is not Paranormal; work, work, and work as long as you remain within the set work laws of your land. Everything is as simple as the process of manifesting thoughts into actions! Start it…

Linked In: Dancan Odingo 

Instagram: mr._abbs

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  1. That's good of any man or woman that need to be successful in life. I like the journey you have started, together we shall be there.

    1. Strong together bro.. mental health matters

  2. Indeed thoughts affect reality.

    1. 100%, everyone should understand how this simple thing works

  3. Increase your daily awareness of your strengths, make better daily choices and receive better daily results.

  4. This’s indeed a great piece. Just to affirm the information, it’s true that to be successful, you must be in a continuous learning process. The example of Elon Musk, and just to add, several other successful Individuals like Bezos and Zuckerburg, are real-life examples of becoming successful through continuous learning. Most importantly, you must master the art of business and selling (marketing), regardless of your career area, to be successful to the extent of the above given examples. It’s possible - “No dream is too big.”


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