How to kick-start the Recovery and Healing journey with a Mental Health Problem like Bipolar I Disorder

    The recovery journey is such a life-long experience that begins from the time of first diagnosis to one’s final breath on earth, sad as it may sound. As bipolar persons of different degrees, we, therefore, have to succumb to the underlying fact as the first ever step of starting the journey. In this article, I am gladly sharing my steps in the recovery journey process for the purpose of inspiring the impossible stories that lie behind the illness. 
     For one thing, there is life at both ends of the rainbow. This fact formed my basis for accepting and embracing the status. A similar notion applies to the illness, hence affirming the fact that whether one is bipolar or non-bipolar, they still possess’ equal capabilities, just like being either a male or female. Thus, to retain sexuality, a male has to live within the male life-lines, and so does the female counterpart. In the same measure, a bipolar survivor has to live within the bipolar life-lines lest one is considered abnormal, or worse, pronounced as mad. Therefore, the most significant step to managing the condition is self-awareness which entails acceptance of one’s status and embracing it. 
    In my experience with the illness, I have to admit that bipolar space is a better world once you accept the condition. However, before a survivor is correctly diagnosed and is unaware of themselves, they tend to live a chaotic and misunderstood life that can lead to more detrimental results, which may completely ruin one’s life. In such instances, the condition is considered a catastrophe, contrary to the ‘superpower’ notion held by those living with well-managed bipolar. Therefore, building a life of well-managed bipolar calls for living within the tenets of the condition and observing both the don’ts and do’s, which are available on various reputable mental health websites. 
    In my case, the counteractive steps have been successful so far since I have never undergone another manic episode after the first one ensued. However, I have to admit that it has not been fully effective since I have been lacking one of the most significant parts of coping procedures, medication. This is not due to my personal decision but purely because I am jobless and unable to afford to pay the price. One thing for sure, once one accepts the condition, lives within the underlying life-lines, and follows the right medication regimen, one can be able to unleash the full potential that lies behind the condition and enjoy one's ‘superpower’. 
     On balance, bipolar disorder is an ageless condition since it entails changes in brain mechanisms. Therefore, coping with the condition is significant to dilute the dissonated understanding that it builds in non-bipolar people. However, sometimes only fellow survivors can understand each other in extreme cases, and the bottom line still remains; ensuring to live within the condition’s dos and don’ts while following the correct medication with the constant help of professional psychiatrists. Failure to accept the condition is a path to the graveyard, hence, once one is fully diagnosed, the coping steps involve accepting the condition, seeking a psychiatrist’s help, acquiring the right medication, and living within the guidelines. This will definitely help one unleash their full potential and enjoy life like any successful person.

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Mental Health and Fitness Enthusiast         


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